Thursday, November 3, 2011

Why Are Some Women Controling? Ask Yourself

Below are some reasons that will explain to you why some women control men or their husbands:
  • The Woman was raised by a controlling mom: If a woman was raised in a house where her mother was the dominant and controlling figure in the family then the girl will grow up assuming that a woman should control her man. This can and will result in a lot of emotional pain for them both.
  • Insecure women might become control freaks:  When a woman feels insecure she might start to control others in order to feel in control once again. Psychology is not a 1+1=2 science and so not every insecure woman will be a control freak but in some cases an insecure woman might try to feel secure by controlling her environment and this includes controlling her husband. In time she can and will run him away.
  • Masculine protest and controlling women: Masculine protest is a psychological term used to describe the case where a woman hates her feminine role as a result of feeling that its the inferior role. Some of these women turn into control freaks in order to assume the superior role which is the role of a man.  With this comes, anger, also her strong tongue, or even control him, by making him feel bad about not being able to please her sexually o financially.
  • Controlling women choose weak men: The previous point brings us to another very important point. Women who want to dominate men and control their husbands usually chose an easy target that can be controlled without much effort. This means that the woman who wants to control a man will look for a man who can easily be controlled. They know how to watch, his behavior, and how he speaks, is just a few of the woman's tricks to maintain control of her mate, even if that mate is a woman.